“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act

towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”.

Human Rights Declaration, Article 1

Click here for the Headstand blog

Lisa Dillan

Equal rights – for whom?

The headstand project is a personal, independent action dedicated to different topics, persons and locations that I find interesting or provocative due to the Human Rights article nr. 1.   

A headstand is a vulnerable position. It is an opposite, non threatening but powerful position. I find this position suitable to demonstrate that I disagree, and that I want change. The headstand is a way of expressing my frustration.  An invitation to take the opposite view.

These people and happenings have been headstanded so far, in order of appearance:

The mayor of Moscow, Jurij Luzjkov

The leader of the FRP party, Siv Jensen

The royal wedding, Sweden

Fritt Ord and Harald Eia (in norwegian)

The Norwegian Asylum politics and the  Police (in norwegian)

Harald Eia and Co

The Israeli Occupation

The Kapittel Festival 2013

Prior and Ultra

Statens Vegvesen – Stopp og sov